Utility Bill Assistance
Below is information from external resources available for energy and utility assistance. Information may change frequently. To have the most up-to-date information, please utilize the website or contact number under each listed service.
Download the Utility Bill Assistance One Sheet
Income Qualifications – 2021-2022 Energy Assistance Yearly Income Guidelines
HH Size | USF | LIHEAP | NJ Shares Min | NJ Shares Max | PAGE Grant Max |
1 | $51,520 | $40,181 | $25,760 | $51,520 | $66,968 |
2 | $69,680 | $52,545 | $34,840 | $69,680 | $87,575 |
3 | $87,840 | $64,908 | $43,920 | $87,840 | $108,180 |
4 | $106,000 | $77,272 | $53,000 | $106,000 | $128,786 |
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Customers with a household income at or below specific income limits can apply. Utility heating customers typically receive an average of $300 toward their electric or gas bill. Apply online energyassistance.nj.gov or call 1-800-510-3102.
LIHEAP Emergency
Recipients of the federal Low‐Income Home Energy Program may be eligible to receive an additional grant of up to $700.00 in LIHEAP Emergency funding. To be eligible, you must be a LIHEAP recipient and have received a shut off notice. You may apply for a LIHEAP Emergency Grant at your local agency from March 16 through June 30 each year.
- 2022: If customer received LIHEAP but did not get a shut off notice and they are NOT in the USF Fresh Start program, direct them to Customer Care where we can generate a disconnect notice manually for them. If customer received LIHEAP and is also in the USF Fresh Start program, those customers should be directed to call NJ211
Universal Service Fund (USF)
If you apply for LIHEAP, you are also applying for Universal Service Fund (USF). Electric or gas utility customers can receive from $5 to $180 per month toward their utility bills. USF accepts applications year‐round. Apply online energyassistance.nj.gov or call 1-800-510-3102.
USF Fresh Start
Erase your past due balance!
Fresh Start program was RESET beginning 10/1/2021.the program has always been a one‐time chance benefit until it was reset this past heating season so a customer can qualify a second time. USF customers are automatically enrolled in the USF Fresh Start program if their natural gas bill is in arrears of more than $60. Participants are required to pay their current bill on‐time, every month, for 12 months, to to have a past due balance erased. 1/12th of a participant’s overdue balance will be waived each month their current bill is paid.
Payment Assistance for Gas and Electric (PAGE)
PAGE is a state‐funded utility assistance program that helps low to moderate‐income families in New Jersey pay their utility bills. If you are a New Jersey resident who rents or owns a home and are facing a crisis situation that includes a documented notice of overdue payment for gas and/or electric service—you may qualify. For more information call, 1-855-465-8783 or visit http://www.njpoweron.org/.
NJ Shares
NJ Shares assists income‐eligible households in paying their energy, telephone and water bills. New Jersey SHARES provides relief to people who are not eligible for other types of assistance. For more information, please visit njsharesgreen.org or call 866-657-4273
For additional help, please contact:
Christina Teel, Customer Outreach Program Specialist
Phone: 609‐833‐1302
Email: cteel@sjindustries.com